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Lungarno Corsini, 10


The facade of one of the palaces along the Prato di Ognissanti hides one of Florence’s most fascinating gardens. In 1591 Alessandro Acciaiuoli asked Bernardo Buontalenti to design a “casino di delizie” with a large garden. Buontalenti built the complex hydraulic system to conduct water to the fountains. At the time there were in the garden the famous “Four Seasons” that are now at both ends of the Santa Trinita bridge: Summer and Autumn by Giovanni Caccini, Spring by Pietro Francavilla, and Winter by Cristofano Stati. Another important sculpture was part of the Acciaiuoli garden’s decor, Giambologna’s Bacchus, now in the Bargello.
Having acquired the property in 1620 from Filippo and Maddalena Corsini these gave the task of completing the casino to Gherardo Silvani. It is in the part of the Italian garden, bordered by the large lemon groves, with the geometric flowerbeds of refined design, the box hedges, the lemon basins and the central avenue with statues, that the architect’s Baroque taste, his propensity for scenography, is clearly manifested. In 1834 this residence was designated as the home of Don Neri Corsini and his wife. In the same years, the garden also underwent modifications in a romantic style.

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